BMX STEM with Souletics

BMX STEM with Souletics STEM

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math are much easier to learn when you combine them with physical movement and an activity you are passionate about. 

SCIENCE becomes much more attainable when you can apply it to a sport you enjoy.

TECHNOLOGY is shaping our world. learn how you can become a leader in the technological space and influence the technology ecosystem responsibly.

ENGINEERING BMX STEM with Souletics curriculum is not theoretical but rather teaches the best practices and software developments in the industry. Students will learn real-world engineering tools, problem-solving skills, and other must-have soft skills to become the world’s next innovators. Learning from our curriculum will prepare you for an internship, career, and entrepreneurship.

ART: We additionally provide and encourage our students to nurture all aspects of their creativity by implementing creativity workshops that include music and poetry.

MATH is fundamental to our curriculum and we teach students grade-specific math concepts that they can relate to common and useful mathematical calculations within your application.

STEM Program Includes:

Person to Person BMX and STEM Coaching for some locations

Virtual STEM Courses(On-site instruction available at select locations): 

  • Circuit Design
  • Fundamentals of AI
  • Programming (K-12)
  • Essential STEM Skills to Prepare Kids for a Career in Tech
  • Intro to A.I. Driven Sports Analytics
  • Beginning Python Programming for Grade Schoolers (this is one of the programming languages used for sports analytics)
  • Building a Computer for Sports Technology
  • Computer Vision for Sports
Souletics STEM 501(c)(3)